- [진료과] 비뇨의학과
- [주연구분야] 성기능장애 및 불임학, 전립선 질환, 요로결석
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- [진료과목] 남성과학, 전립선질환
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세계성기능장애학회 정회원
미국비뇨기과학회 정회원
Endoruology 학회 정회원
대한비뇨기과학회 이사
대한남성과학회 상임이사
대한남성과학회지 편집위원
대한남성갱년기학회 이사
대한비뇨기과학회 정회원
대한비뇨기과학회 정보위원
세계성기능장애학회 정회원
미국비뇨기과학회 정회원
Endoruology 학회 정회원
학회 및 대외활동
1. Effect of vasoactive intestinal peptide and acetylcholine on penile erection in the rat in vivo. Int J Impotence Res.7:111-8.
2. Clincal study of SS-cream in patients with life long premature ejaculation. Urology 55:257-61.
3. Multicenter study of the treatment of erectile dysfunction with transurethral alprostadil (MUSE) in Korea. Int J Impot Res 12:97-101
4. Transurethral Resection of the Prostate with a Bipolar Tissue Management System Compared to Converntional Monopolar Resectoscope: One-Year Outcome. Yonsei Medical Journal 47:05;715-720
5. Using Three-Dimension head mounted displyer in audio-visual sexual stimulation aids in differential diagnosis of psychogenic from organic erectile dysfunction. Int J Impot Res 17: 519-522
6. Metformin restores leptin sensitivity in high-fat-fed obese rats with leptin resistance. Diabetes. 55(3): 716-724
7. 당뇨 흰쥐에서 음경발기 양상과 신경원성 Nitric Oxide Synthase의 관계
2. Clincal study of SS-cream in patients with life long premature ejaculation. Urology 55:257-61.
3. Multicenter study of the treatment of erectile dysfunction with transurethral alprostadil (MUSE) in Korea. Int J Impot Res 12:97-101
4. Transurethral Resection of the Prostate with a Bipolar Tissue Management System Compared to Converntional Monopolar Resectoscope: One-Year Outcome. Yonsei Medical Journal 47:05;715-720
5. Using Three-Dimension head mounted displyer in audio-visual sexual stimulation aids in differential diagnosis of psychogenic from organic erectile dysfunction. Int J Impot Res 17: 519-522
6. Metformin restores leptin sensitivity in high-fat-fed obese rats with leptin resistance. Diabetes. 55(3): 716-724
7. 당뇨 흰쥐에서 음경발기 양상과 신경원성 Nitric Oxide Synthase의 관계